RxAdvance is now a part of nirvanaHealth. Click here to learn more.

Bill of Rights & Responsibilities

Member Rights

You have the right to:
  • Be treated with courtesy, dignity, and respect.
  • Receive accurate and easily understood information about your benefit, your network of pharmacies, your covered drugs, and your rights and responsibilities.
  • Access services or information regardless of literacy levels, language differences, cultural differences, or cognitive and/or physical impairment.  You have the right to request further information concerning anything you do not understand.
  • Participate in decisions regarding your health care.  Parents, guardians, family members, or other individuals that you designate can represent you if you cannot make your own decisions.
  • Privacy and non-discrimination, as required by law.
  • Voice complaints; receive instructions on how to use the complaint process or file an appeal of a decision, and to receive a response to your complaint or appeal within a reasonable period of time.

Member Responsibilities

You have the responsibility to:
  • Become involved in specific health care decisions.
  • Work with doctors and pharmacists by giving them information, asking questions, and following through on your care.
  • Use the complaint and appeal process to address concerns that may arise.
  • Become familiar with your covered drugs and the rules you must follow to get these covered drugs.
  • Inform your doctor and pharmacist about the plan in which you are enrolled.
  • Call Customer Service or visit your member portal for help if you have questions or concerns.
  • Show respect for patients, doctors, and pharmacists.
  • Make a good-faith effort to meet financial obligations.
  • Report wrongdoing and fraud to appropriate resources or legal authorities.


We will respond to you as soon as we can.

RxAdvance is now nirvanaHealth.

Since 2013, the RxAdvance team has been dedicated to disrupting the healthcare industry, specifically in pharmacy benefit management. After 3 years of development, we went live with our first client in 2016 and delivered groundbreaking pharmacy benefit management services. Now that we have proven success year-after-year, we have decided to expand our impact beyond just the PBM industry—onto the payer industry. These two industries alone control the majority of the healthcare spend in the United States, including the $900+ billion of waste generated annually. With our expansion into a new portion of the industry, we have outgrown the RxAdvance name, since it does not accurately capture the scope of our healthcare reach and mission. We are excited to announce our new name and brand—nirvanaHealth. The RxAdvance name has served us well for many years and will continue to do so under nirvanaHealth.